/** * Controls all responsiveness for the tolerance.html page */ // This function allows clicking events to be raised on d3js elements jQuery.fn.d3Click = function () { this.each(function (i, e) { var evt = new MouseEvent("click"); e.dispatchEvent(evt); }); }; $("#geneName").keyup(function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { $("#getTranscriptsButton").click(); } }); // when the user presses the ESC the overlays are disabled document.addEventListener("keydown", keyPress, false); function keyPress (e) { if(e.key === "Escape") { $("#domain_information_overlay").removeClass("is-active"); $("#positional_information_overlay").removeClass("is-active"); d3.selectAll(".tr").classed("is-selected", false); } } function get_query_param(param) { var result = window.location.search.match( new RegExp("(\\?|&)" + param + "(\\[\\])?=([^&]*)")); return result ? result[3] : false; } function show_tour_data_input(index) { switch (index) { case 0:// reset tour_reset_gene_name(); break; case 1: // gene input // ensure no interaction is possible document.getElementById("retrieve_transcripts_control").setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); document.getElementById("start_analysis_control").setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); //reset document.getElementById("geneNameHelpMessage").innerHTML = ""; // behaviour tour_fill_gene_name(); break; case 2: // messages after get transcripts //reset resetDropdown(); // behaviour tour_fill_succes_message_transcripts(); break; case 3: // start analysis // reset $("#loading_overlay").removeClass('is-active'); // behaviour tour_fill_transcripts(); break; case 4: // loading overlay // reset $("#toleranceGraphContainer").addClass('is-hidden'); $("#graph_control_field").addClass('is-hidden'); $("#selected_positions_information").addClass('is-hidden'); // behaviour $("#loading_overlay").addClass('is-active'); $("#loading_label").text("Loading..."); break; case 5: // fill the graph $("#loading_overlay").removeClass('is-active'); tour_fill_graph_example(); break; case 7: // resets resetZoom(); break; case 8: // zooming explanation // resets resetZoom(); tour_turn_clinvar_variants_off(); tour_check_default_visualization();toggleToleranceLandscapeOrMetadomainLandscape(); document.getElementById("graph_control_field_checkboxes").setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); break; case 9: // landscape modes // resets resetZoom(); tour_turn_clinvar_variants_off(); // behaviour window.setTimeout(tour_check_alternative_visualization, 500); window.setTimeout(toggleToleranceLandscapeOrMetadomainLandscape,1000); window.setTimeout(tour_check_default_visualization, 2200); window.setTimeout(toggleToleranceLandscapeOrMetadomainLandscape,2200); document.getElementById("graph_control_field_checkboxes").removeAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); break; case 10: // clinvar variants // resets document.getElementById("graph_control_field_checkboxes").removeAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); resetZoom(); // behaviour tour_switch_clinvar_variants(); window.setTimeout(tour_switch_clinvar_variants,1200); break; case 11: // explanation of schematic protein // resets tour_check_default_visualization(); tour_turn_clinvar_variants_off(); tour_unselect_position_in_domain(); resetZoom(); document.getElementById("graph_control_field_checkboxes").setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); break; case 12: // positional information // resets resetZoom(); tour_turn_clinvar_variants_off(); // Behaviour window.setTimeout(tour_select_position_in_domain, 500); break; } } function tour_turn_clinvar_variants_off(){ if ($('#clinvar_checkbox').is(':checked') == true ){ tour_switch_clinvar_variants(); } } function tour_switch_clinvar_variants(){ $('#clinvar_checkbox').trigger( "click" ); } function tour_switch_clinvar_variants_off(){ $('#clinvar_checkbox').trigger( "click" ); } function tour_unselect_position_in_domain(){ var tour_selected_position; d3.select('#toleranceAxisRect_68').attr("element_is_selected",function(d,i){ tour_selected_position = d.values[0].selected}); if (tour_selected_position){ tour_trigger_position_of_interest(); } } function tour_select_position_in_domain(){ var tour_selected_position; d3.select('#toleranceAxisRect_68').attr("element_is_selected",function(d,i){ tour_selected_position = d.values[0].selected}); if (!tour_selected_position){ tour_trigger_position_of_interest(); } } function tour_trigger_position_of_interest(){ $('#toleranceAxisRect_68').d3Click(); } function tour_check_default_visualization(){ $('#checkbox_for_landscape_default').prop('checked', true); } function tour_check_alternative_visualization(){ $('#checkbox_for_landscape_alternative').prop('checked', true); } function tour_fill_gene_name(){ $('#geneName').val('T'); } function tour_reset_gene_name(){ $('#geneName').val(''); } function tour_fill_succes_message_transcripts(){ document.getElementById("geneNameHelpMessage").innerHTML = "Retrieved transcripts for gene 'T'"; $("#geneNameHelpMessage").removeClass('is-danger'); $("#geneNameHelpMessage").addClass('is-success'); } function tour_fill_transcripts(){ clearDropdown(); $("#getToleranceButton").addClass('is-info'); $("#getToleranceButton").removeClass('is-static'); var dropdown = document.getElementById("gtID"); dropdown.setAttribute('class', 'dropdown'); var opt = new Option(); opt.value = 1; opt.text = "ENST00000296946.2 / NM_003181.3 (435aa)"; dropdown.options.add(opt); } function tour_fill_graph_example(){ // Retrieve the example json to fill in the graph $.getJSON("/metadome/static/json/example_T_gene.json", function(json) { document.getElementById("toleranceGraphContainer").setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); $("#toleranceGraphContainer").removeClass('is-hidden'); $("#graph_control_field").removeClass('is-hidden'); var geneName = document.getElementById("geneName").value; var geneDetails = document.getElementById("geneDetails"); geneDetails.innerHTML = 'Gene: '+json.gene_name+' (transcript: '+json.transcript_id+', protein: '+json.protein_ac+')'; createGraph(json); // disable any mouse events on the elements document.getElementById("graph_control_field_buttons").setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); document.getElementById("graph_control_field_checkboxes").setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); document.getElementById("selected_positions_information").setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: none;"); }); } //Setup tour var tour = new Tour({ backdrop: true, orphan: true, storage: false, onNext: function (tour) { show_tour_data_input(tour.getCurrentStep() + 1) }, onPrev: function (tour) { show_tour_data_input(tour.getCurrentStep() - 1) }, onEnd: function (tour) { window.location.reload(true); window.location.replace("/metadome/dashboard");}, steps: [ { element: "", title: "Start Tour", content: "Welcome to MetaDome.

"+ "This tour explains the usage of MetaDome "+ "via an example.

"+ "You can click 'end tour' any time to start "+ "analysing your own gene of interest. " + "

Click next to begin." }, { element: "#retrieve_transcripts_control", title: "Gene of interest", content: "Input here your gene name of interest Then you" + " can click the 'Get Transcripts' button to " + "retrieve all the transcripts for your gene of " + "interest.

For this example we fill in " + "the 'T' gene." }, { element: "#geneNameHelpMessage", title: "Get Transcripts", content: "After clicking the 'Get Transcripts' button, we "+ "check if there are any transcripts available for "+ "your gene of interest.

"+ "If the gene was not present in our database you " + "would have seen the following message:

" + "
No transcripts " + "available in database for gene 'T'
" }, { element: "#start_analysis_control", title: "Select transcript & analyse your protein", content: "Select the transcript of your interest from this "+ "dropdown menu. You can than click the 'Analyse " + "Protein' button to start the analysis." }, { element: "#loading_overlay", title: "Loading screen", content: "This analysis may take between 5 minutes and up " + "to an hour to complete, but in this example:

" + "you can click next to continue.

" + "Luckily all results are stored after they "+ "complete, so the next time you query the same " + "transcript it will load in a matter of seconds." }, { element: "#content", title: "Analysis results", content: "When the analysis completes, you obtain a "+ "wealth of information.

But don't worry, " + "we will now go over each part in detail.", }, { element: "#graph_control_field", title: "Graph Control", content: "Here, you may switch between different " + "representations of the analysis result visualizations," + " download the current view as an '.svg', reset any " + "zooming of the graph or select, or display any known " + "ClinVar variants.", }, { element: "#landscape_svg", title: "Visualization", content: "Here you may find the visualization of your results." + "It is a graphic representation of the protein of your " + "transcript of interest.

By default the " + "metadomain variants are displayed.", }, { element: "#schematic_protein_zoom_text", title: "Zooming in", content: "You can zoom in on regions of your interest by " + "clicking anywhere in the gray area and dragging " + "the mouse. If you just click on any part in the " + "protein the zooming is reset.

Go ahead " + "and try for yourself", placement: 'left', backdropContainer: "#landscape_svg" }, { element: "#checkbox_for_landscape", title: "Switching between visualizations", content: "Here you can switch between the 'Meta-domain " + "Landscape' and the 'Tolerance Landscape' " + "visualization modes.

Go ahead " + "and try for yourself", backdropContainer: "#landscape_svg" }, { element: "#clinvar_checkbox", title: "Switching ClinVar variants", content: "Here you can toggle the display of any ClinVar " + "variants for your gene of interest.

Go ahead " + "and try for yourself", backdropContainer: "#landscape_svg" }, { element: "#tolerance_axis", title: "Schematic protein representation", content: "For each gene a schematic protein is displayed for " + "all the positions and the presence of any Pfam protein " + "domains is annotated.

Here each position is " + "hoverable and selectable. If you click a position you " + "obtain much more information about it.", backdropContainer: "#landscape_svg" }, { element: "#toleranceAxisRect_68", title: "Selecting positions of interest", content: "If you click a position it will become highlighted. " + "And you may view more detailed information for that " + "position.", backdropContainer: "#landscape_svg" }, { element: "#selected_positions_information", title: "More info for a selected position", content: "All the highlighted positions that you have selected " + "will be put into this list. Here a short overview is " + "displayed on any known gnomAD or ClinVar variants " + "present at this position. Also variants that are " + "homologously related to this position are displayed " + "if the position is part of a Pfam protein domain." + "

Clicking a selected position provides a " + "pop-up with even more details.", }, ]}); tour.init(); // Start the tour automatically if redirected to the index page via the // help button. if (get_query_param('tour')) { tour.restart(); } // Function to send AJAX request to the webserver to get all transcripts // belonging to a gene name function getTranscript() { clearTranscripts(); var geneName = document.getElementById("geneName").value; if (typeof geneName !== 'undefined' && geneName.length > 0) { // the variable is defined $.get(Flask.url_for("api.get_transcript_ids_for_gene", {'gene_name': geneName}), function(transcript_id_results) { document.getElementById("geneNameHelpMessage").innerHTML = transcript_id_results.message; if (typeof transcript_id_results == 'undefined' || transcript_id_results == null || transcript_id_results.trancript_ids.length == 0) { $("#geneName").addClass('is-danger'); $("#geneName").removeClass('is-success'); $("#geneNameHelpMessage").addClass('is-danger'); $("#geneNameHelpMessage").removeClass('is-success'); $("#getToleranceButton").addClass('is-static'); $("#getToleranceButton").removeClass('is-info'); resetDropdown() } else { clearDropdown(); $("#geneName").addClass('is-success'); $("#geneName").removeClass('is-danger'); $("#geneNameHelpMessage").addClass('is-success'); $("#geneNameHelpMessage").removeClass('is-danger'); $("#getToleranceButton").addClass('is-info'); $("#getToleranceButton").removeClass('is-static'); var dropdown = document.getElementById("gtID"); dropdown.setAttribute('class', 'dropdown'); // Sort the results by sequence length transcript_id_results.trancript_ids.sort(function(a,b){return (a.aa_length= 0; i--) { dropdown.remove(i); } dropdown.disabled = false; } function resetDropdown() { clearDropdown() var dropdown = document.getElementById("gtID"); dropdown.disabled = true; var opt = new Option(); opt.value = ""; opt.disabled = true; opt.selected = true; opt.hidden = true; opt.text = "Please first retrieve the transcripts"; dropdown.options.add(opt); } function resetGraphControl(){ document.getElementById("clinvar_checkbox").checked = false; document.getElementById("checkbox_for_landscape_default").checked = true; } function clearTranscripts() { resetDropdown(); resetGraph(); resetGraphControl(); $("#getToleranceButton").addClass('is-static'); $("#getToleranceButton").removeClass('is-info'); $("#geneName").removeClass('is-success'); $("#advanced_options").addClass("is-hidden"); $("#toleranceGraphContainer").addClass('is-hidden'); document.getElementById("geneNameHelpMessage").innerHTML = ""; $("#graph_control_field").addClass('is-hidden'); } function saveSvg(svgEl, name) { svgEl.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); var svgData = svgEl.outerHTML; var preface = '\r\n'; var svgBlob = new Blob([preface, svgData], {type:"image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"}); var svgUrl = URL.createObjectURL(svgBlob); var downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); downloadLink.href = svgUrl; downloadLink.download = name+'.svg'; document.body.appendChild(downloadLink); downloadLink.click(); document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); } function visualize() { resetGraphControl(); var selection = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown")[0]; if (selection !== undefined && selection !== null && selection.length > 0) { var input = selection.options[selection.selectedIndex].text; var gtID = input.toUpperCase(); if (gtID !== undefined && gtID.length > 0 && !selection.options[selection.selectedIndex].disabled) { var transcript_id = gtID.split(" ")[0]; $("#loading_overlay").addClass('is-active'); $("#loading_label").text("Loading..."); $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: "/metadome/api/submit_visualization/", data: JSON.stringify({'transcript_id': transcript_id}), success: function(data) { getVisualizationStatus(data.transcript_id, 0); }, contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json' } ); } } } function visualizeTranscript(transcript_id) { $("#loading_overlay").addClass('is-active'); $("#loading_label").text("Loading..."); $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: "/metadome/api/submit_visualization/", data: JSON.stringify({'transcript_id': transcript_id}), success: function(data) { getVisualizationStatus(data.transcript_id, 0); }, error: function(response) { obj = JSON.parse(response.responseText); $("#error-feedback").text(obj['error']); $("#loading_overlay").removeClass('is-active'); }, contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json' } ); } function getVisualizationStatus(transcript_id, checkCount) { $.get(Flask.url_for("api.get_visualization_status_for_transcript", {'transcript_id': transcript_id}), function(data) { if (data.status == 'SUCCESS') getVisualizationResult(transcript_id); else if (data.status == 'FAILURE') showVisualizationError(transcript_id); else { // try again after a while.. var delay = 10000; if (checkCount >= 5) { delay = 50000; $("#loading_label").html("Loading...
This is taking longer than usual, and may take up to an hour. You can choose to wait or check back later."); } checkCount++; setTimeout(function() { getVisualizationStatus(transcript_id, checkCount); }, delay); } } ); } function getVisualizationResult(transcript_id) { $.get(Flask.url_for("api.get_visualization_result_for_transcript", {'transcript_id': transcript_id}), function(obj) { $("#loading_overlay").removeClass('is-active'); $("#toleranceGraphContainer").removeClass('is-hidden'); $("#graph_control_field").removeClass('is-hidden'); // Set the object's gene name as the value $("#geneName").val(obj.gene_name); var geneDetails = document.getElementById("geneDetails"); var refSeqLinks = ""; if (obj.refseq_ids.length > 0) { refSeqLinks += "RefSeq: "; for (var i = 0; i < obj.refseq_ids.length; i++){ if (i > 0){ refSeqLinks += ', '; } refSeqLinks += ''+obj.refseq_ids[i]+''; } refSeqLinks += ',' } geneDetails.innerHTML = 'Protein of ' + obj.gene_name + ' (GENCODE: ' + obj.transcript_id + ', '+refSeqLinks+' UniProt: ' + obj.protein_ac + ')'; // Draw the graph createGraph(obj); // Download for the whole svg as svg d3.select('#dlSVG').on('click', function() { var fileName = 'Gene_' + obj.gene_name + '_transcript_' + obj.transcript_id + '_protein_' + obj.protein_ac + '_metadome'; saveSvg(document.getElementById('landscape_svg'), fileName); }); } ); } function showVisualizationError(transcript_id) { // Forward to the error page. window.location.href = Flask.url_for("web.visualization_error", {'transcript_id': transcript_id}); } // annotates meta domain information for a position function createPositionalInformation(domain_metadomain_coverage, transcript_id, position_json) { // Retrieve the needed information for the GET request var protein_position = position_json.values[0].protein_pos; // Construct the request for this domain and the aligned positions var requested_domains = {}; var domain_ids = Object.keys(position_json.values[0].domains); for (var i = 0; i < domain_ids.length; i++){ var domain_id = domain_ids[i]; // Check if this position is meta domain suitable if (!(position_json.values[0].domains[domain_id] == null)){ requested_domains[domain_id] = []; // append the consensus positions for (var j = 0; j < position_json.values[0].domains[domain_id].consensus_pos.length; j ++) { requested_domains[domain_id].push(position_json.values[0].domains[domain_id].consensus_pos[j]) } } } if (Object.keys(requested_domains).length > 0) { // Activate the loading overlay $("#loading_overlay").addClass('is-active'); $("#loading_label").text("Loading..."); var input = {"requested_domains": requested_domains, "transcript_id": transcript_id, "protein_position": protein_position}; // Execute the POST request $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: "/metadome/api/get_metadomain_annotation/", data: JSON.stringify(input), success:function(data) { $("#loading_overlay").removeClass('is-active'); FillPositionalInformation(domain_metadomain_coverage, position_json, data); $("#positional_information_overlay").addClass('is-active'); }, contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json' } ); } else { // No domains requested, so we can fill in the information without performing a GET request FillPositionalInformation(domain_metadomain_coverage, position_json, {}); $("#positional_information_overlay").addClass('is-active'); } } //Adds positional information for a selected position function FillPositionalInformation(domain_metadomain_coverage, position_data, data){ // Reset the positional information document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_title").innerHTML = '
'; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML = ''; // Add information on position to the HTML document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += ''; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '

'+document.getElementById("geneDetails").innerHTML +'

'; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '
'; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '

Chr: '+position_data.values[0].chr+', strand: '+position_data.values[0].strand+'

'; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '

Gene: '+ position_data.values[0].chr_positions +'

'; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '

Protein: p.'+ position_data.values[0].protein_pos +' '+ position_data.values[0].ref_aa_triplet+'

'; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '

cDNA: '+ position_data.values[0].cdna_pos +' '+ position_data.values[0].ref_codon +'

'; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '

Tolerance score (dn/ds): '+ (Math.round((position_data.values[0].sw_dn_ds)*100)/100) +' ('+tolerance_rating(position_data.values[0].sw_dn_ds) +')

'; // retrieve domain information var domain_information = ""; var meta_domain_information = ""; if (Object.keys(position_data.values[0].domains).length > 0){ var domain_ids = ''; var domain_id_list = Object.keys(position_data.values[0].domains); var n_domains_at_position = Object.keys(position_data.values[0].domains).length; for (var i = 0; i < n_domains_at_position; i++){ if (i+1 == n_domains_at_position){ domain_ids += ''+domain_id_list[i]+""; } else{ domain_ids += ''+domain_id_list[i]+", "; } // add meta domain information if (!(position_data.values[0].domains[domain_id_list[i]] == null)){ // retrieve the domain_information from the data object var meta_domain = data[domain_id_list[i]]; // compute coverage var position_coverage = Math.round(((meta_domain.alignment_depth/domain_metadomain_coverage[domain_id_list[i]])*100)*10)/10; // Add information to the report meta_domain_information += '
'; meta_domain_information += '

Aligned to consensus position '+ position_data.values[0].domains[domain_id_list[i]].consensus_pos+', related to '+ (meta_domain.alignment_depth-1) +' other codons throughout the genome (with a '+position_coverage+'\% alignment coverage).

'; var gnomAD_table = '
'; gnomAD_table += createGnomADTableHeader(); var clinvar_table = '
'; clinvar_table += createClinVarTableHeader(); // Append gnomad gnomAD_table += createGnomADTableBody(meta_domain.normal_variants); // Append clinvar clinvar_table += createClinVarTableBody(meta_domain.pathogenic_variants); // Add the footers clinvar_table += createTableFooter(); gnomAD_table += createTableFooter(); // Reset the tables if there are no variants if (meta_domain.normal_variants.length == 0){ gnomAD_table = ""; } if (meta_domain.pathogenic_variants.length == 0){ clinvar_table = ""; } // Add the meta-domain information to the domain information meta_domain_information += clinvar_table + gnomAD_table; } else{ meta_domain_information += ''; } } // Add the domain info to the html element domain_information += '

Position is part of protein domain(s): '+domain_ids+'

' } // Add the domain information to the html element document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += domain_information // Add clinvar at position information document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '
'; document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += ''; if ("ClinVar" in position_data.values[0]){ // Add ClinVar variant table var clinvar_variants = position_data.values[0].ClinVar; // retrieve the gene name var geneName = document.getElementById("geneName").value; // Add the positional information for (var index = 0; index < clinvar_variants.length; index++){ clinvar_variants[index].gene_name = geneName; clinvar_variants[index].chr = position_data.values[0].chr; clinvar_variants[index].chr_positions = position_data.values[0].chr_positions; clinvar_variants[index].ref_codon = position_data.values[0].ref_codon; clinvar_variants[index].ref_aa_triplet = position_data.values[0].ref_aa_triplet; } // Add the clinvar variant information document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += createClinVarTableHeader()+ createClinVarTableBody(clinvar_variants)+ createTableFooter(); } else{ document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += '

No ClinVar SNVs found at position

'; } // Add the meta-domain information to the html element document.getElementById("positional_information_overlay_body").innerHTML += meta_domain_information; } //Update the positional information table with new values function addRowToPositionalInformationTable(domain_metadomain_coverage, d, transcript_id) { var new_row = d3.select('#position_information_tbody').append('tr').attr('class', 'tr').attr("id", "positional_table_info_" + d.values[0].protein_pos); new_row.append('th').text(d.values[0].protein_pos); new_row.append('td').text(d.values[0].ref_aa_triplet); var domain_ids = "-"; var clinvar_at_pos = "-"; var related_gnomad = "-"; var related_clinvar = "-"; // Add clinvar at position information if ("ClinVar" in d.values[0]){ clinvar_at_pos = ""+d.values[0].ClinVar.length; } else{ clinvar_at_pos = "0"; } // add domain and metadomain information to the information if (Object.keys(d.values[0].domains).length > 0){ var domain_id_list = Object.keys(d.values[0].domains); var n_domains_at_position = Object.keys(d.values[0].domains).length; domain_ids = ""; related_gnomad = 0; related_clinvar = 0; for (var i = 0; i < n_domains_at_position; i++){ if (i+1 == n_domains_at_position){ domain_ids += domain_id_list[i]; } else{ domain_ids += domain_id_list[i]+", "; } // append normal and pathogenic variant count if (!(d.values[0].domains[domain_id_list[i]] == null)){ related_gnomad += d.values[0].domains[domain_id_list[i]].normal_variant_count; related_clinvar += d.values[0].domains[domain_id_list[i]].pathogenic_variant_count; } else{ related_gnomad = "-"; related_clinvar = "-"; } } } new_row.append('td').text(domain_ids); new_row.append('td').text(clinvar_at_pos); new_row.append('td').text(related_gnomad); new_row.append('td').text(related_clinvar); // Add interactiveness to the rows new_row.on("click", function() { d3.selectAll('.tr').classed("is-selected", false); d3.select(this).classed("is-selected", true); // Call this method found in dashboard.js createPositionalInformation(domain_metadomain_coverage, transcript_id, d) }).on("mouseover", function(d, i) { d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer"); }); // Sort the table to the protein positions sortTable(); } function createClinVarTableHeader(){ var html_table= ''; // Define the header html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; return html_table; } function createClinVarTableBody(ClinvarVariants){ var html_table= ''; // here comes the data for (var index = 0; index < ClinvarVariants.length; index++){ var variant = ClinvarVariants[index]; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; } return html_table; } function createGnomADTableHeader(){ var html_table= ''; // Define the header html_table += '
GenePositionVariantResidue changeTypeClinVar ID
'+variant.gene_name+''+variant.chr+':'+variant.pos+''+variant.ref+'>'+variant.alt+''+variant.ref_aa_triplet+'>'+variant.alt_aa_triplet+''+variant.type+'' + variant.clinvar_ID + '
'; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; return html_table; } function createGnomADTableBody(gnomADVariants){ var html_table= ''; // here comes the data for (var index = 0; index < gnomADVariants.length; index++){ var variant = gnomADVariants[index]; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; html_table += ''; } return html_table; } function createTableFooter(){ return '
GenePositionVariantResidue changeTypegnomAD Allele Frequency
'; } function sortTable() { var rows = $('#position_information_tbody tr').get(); rows.sort(function(a, b) { var A = parseInt($(a).children('th').eq(0).text()); var B = parseInt($(b).children('th').eq(0).text()); if(A < B) { return -1; } if(A > B) { return 1; } return 0; }); $.each(rows, function(index, row) { $('#position_information_tbody').append(row); }); } function checkForTranscript() { var url = window.location.href; var pattern = /\/transcript\/(.+)\/$/; var match = pattern.exec(url); if (match) { var transcriptID = match[1]; visualizeTranscript(transcriptID); } } checkForTranscript();